Facebook is often an immense black hole of trivial rubbish and mind-numbing drivel. But that doesn’t stop us from using it all the time (well, me and about a billion other people). Certainly much good has come from the birth of this social media giant, but it’s also important to keep in mind that the site is highly addicting (internet equivalent of crack, I’d say) and often a counterproductive time-suck. I wanted to be sure that I prefaced this post by cautioning against overuse of Facebook. I’ve failed miserably at this many times, but I’m getting better. Try to set a limit on how much time you spend on Facebook each day (the Chrome add-on ‘Web Timer’ and the apps ‘Cold Turkey’ for Windows or ‘SelfControl’ for Mac can help). Only open the site with a purpose in mind, not just to gape endlessly at your friends’ latest beach pics and banal musings. Beyond using Facebook as little as possible, which I believe should be our goal, you can do a couple things to lessen the amount of pointless garbage you soak in while using it every day. Although time spent on Facebook can never replace time spent on more wholesome activities – say, reading a book or meditating – it is possible to transform those hours we all spend on Facebook into something positive and even enriching. For starters, ‘unfollow the posts’ of anyone from your newsfeed who isn’t either a close relation/loved one or a source of pertinent/stimulating content. This is huge. I’ve literally hidden hundreds of “friends”, probably 95% of the people I’m connected to on Facebook (sorry guys). Second, ‘like’ pages that post excellent, mind-broadening content. Beware: ‘Liking’ too many such pages could turn your newsfeed into an over-saturated billboard of watered-down “wisdom”. However, if you pick and choose wisely, you’ll find that many pages post consistently thought-provoking, eye-opening stuff.

10 Mind-Broadening Facebook Pages

Consider “liking” a few of the following 10 pages, which I consider to be top-notch:

1. Give a Shit About Nature

When it comes to content related to environmental awareness, appreciation, and activism, Give a Shit About Nature really nails it. Furthermore, the page’s admin practices what he preaches, working on various philanthropic projects. He recently planted 25,000 trees after running a campaign on his page.

2. The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast

Though I don’t actually listen to Joe’s podcasts, I’ve found this page to be quite good. It’s one of those pages that’s sort of a cross-disciplinary interestingness digest. Content on this page relates to the environment, health, science, free-thinking, and personal development, among other things.

3. High Existence

HighExistence.com became one of my favorite websites a while ago (I’ve even written for them.). The site has a Facebook page that posts more unique content for users to enjoy. The folks at High Existence post everything related to following your bliss, changing the world, personal growth, and more.

4. The Other 98%

The Other 98% is a page primarily dedicated to social activism, progress, and change. It focuses on promoting equal rights, denouncing corporate and political corruption, and highlighting the oppression that still exists in myriad forms in our societies.

5. Philosophy ( philo- “loving” + sophia “knowledge”)

This is a great page if you’re someone who, like me, is really into pithy, well-worded gems of wisdom and aphorisms for the ages. The page is solely dedicated to curating powerful quotes, and nearly all of them are quite good.

6. Over Grow the System

If you’re interested in learning more about the modern environmental crises, sustainable, healthy living, and ways to be “greener” in your daily life, you can’t go wrong “liking” this page. It’s brilliant.

7. How Bout Some Real Fucking News

This page is precisely what it sounds like — a source dedicated to bringing you real, important news, unlike the vast majority of news media outlets in the world. The folks here consistently deliver worthwhile content.

8. Being Liberal

Let me start by saying that I’m not in favor of our bipartisan political system and don’t believe in labeling myself a liberal or conservative. However, if “being liberal” means supporting equal rights and hating all forms of oppression, then yes, call me a liberal. This page posts consistently insightful and often humorous content related to social equality and ways to improve the system.

9. Pantheism

Richard Dawkins once described Pantheism as “sexed-up atheism”. Basically, Pantheists believe that the extraordinary order and wondrous beauty of the universe warrants a deep reverence for all of existence. It is a religious stance that is not at odds with any scientific finding. I myself am a pantheist. The curators of this Pantheism page do an excellent job of collecting content that highlights the sublimity of nature and encourages us to grow in love and appreciation for the awe-inspiring mystery of life.

10. Refine The Mind

And, finally, feel encouraged to ‘like’ the page of this site as well. My page is filled with philosophical excerpts, inspiring images and quotes, environmentally conscious content, powerful aphorisms, literature and creativity-related insights, links to intriguing/important reads, and more. Note: Facebook’s latest algorithms will hide the content of pages that you follow from your newsfeed. To see more or all of what any of these pages post, you must either add them to an Interest List or “like” their content consistently.

Concluding Thoughts

I hope some of these pages appeal to you. I also hope that I’ve convinced you to use Facebook less and make better use of the time you do spend residing in its oft-devious clutches. Also, if you eventually decide that Facebook just isn’t for you, that you cannot use it responsibly, WikiHow has an excellent article on ideas/tips for quitting the site. Here’s to using the Internet as the amazing tool for world betterment that it can be, not as another flashy means of passing the time. Take care, friends. Jordan Bates is an English teacher in Busan, South Korea. He’s a tenacious fellow who enjoys longboarding, creative writing, hip-hop music, and the study of literature and philosophy. He’s also made it his quest to broaden the minds of others while cultivating more kindness and understanding in the world. You should check out his website Refine The Mind, where he writes about shifting the status quo and the power of a loving perspective. 10 Mind-Broadening Facebook Pages You Should Like | Refine The Mind