Out of the myriad ‘Grand Pa’ suggestions, here are ten primary and important truths that every 20 something should realize, in order to pour the precious idealization of life.

1. You Can’t Please Everyone

Don’t get stuck in a ritual of validating other peoples’ egos. You cannot possibly please everyone around you. In fact, if you attempt to please each and every person you know, eventually you’ll lose sight of your own needs.

2. Don’t Be Too Materialistic

Do not forget that life is much more than possessions. At times, make an effort to reconnect with your friends, spend time with family, stay home and take care of your pets. Basically, spend most of your effort on making memories.

3. Focus On Building Wealth of Experience

You need money to survive, obviously. But also focus more on acquiring knowledge and become intellectually rich. Learn as much as you can. Read books, articles, magazines, meet people and establish your network.

4. Keep In Touch With Old Friends

In your twenties you will meet many temporary people who will come in and out of your life. Don’t forget about the real friends and family who stick by you. Make it a point to stay in touch with them. If they feel like you’ve taken their friendships for granted, eventually they might not bother keeping up the relationship.

5. Failures Are Okay

The ball won’t always be in your court. It is okay if your grades aren’t always perfect. What’s important is that you keep trying.

6. Your Parents Care

At times it may feel that your parents are pulling you back, or keeping you from tasting freedom. Remember, they care for you deeply, and perhaps 20 years from now you will show the same care to your own kids.

7. Solitude is Indeed Essential

It’s really not that bad when you go out alone for a walk, watch a movie alone or even go for a trip without any company. I should emphasize it’s more matured when you have such experiences as it shows you the ‘Real You’

8. Technology isn’t everything

Well, we are living in an era of mobiles, tablets and laptops where every single thing is digital and our brain follows the instructions of the machines directly or indirectly but we should always remember that it was invented just as the catalyst and not for the whole human evolution process.

9. Sleep Deprivation is Bad

While we grow up, we tend to put our efforts on our career and forget to do the very natural things. Sleep Deprivation is one of the bad things millenials fetch from the bad world’s new trendy work culture but you should always maintain the work-life balance; sleep is an important asset of life, you must know.

10. Dreaming Big can be Dangerous (Figuratively)

Yes, we wanted to be ‘Batman’ when we were 10 but then, we know it’s not real and we should be something more real. Dreaming to own ‘Microsoft’ ain’t going to make you successful but pity. Your twenties are a thrilling time to let loose while also developing your personality and career. Try to keep a healthy perspective, and you’ll be left with amazing memories for the rest of your life. Good luck with your journey. Featured photo credit: 7 Themes via 7-themes.com