Check out 10 mistakes smart people never make twice.

1. Ignoring advice you asked for

Asking for advice from someone who is wise and knows you well can be very useful, as they can give you personalized, knowledgeable advice. Many people repeatedly ask friends and loved ones for advice on how to improve their lives, but they never follow the advice because they believe they know best. Smart people understand that in some situations, another perspective can be invaluable – especially if you asked for it.

2. Believing in someone that is too good to be true

Most people will meet someone who is too good to be true at least once in their lifes. These people are charming and charismatic, and they like to talk about how successful they have been and how they can help you. However, if it sounds like it is too good to be true they could be using you for their own personal gain. Successful, smart people understand that it is rare you get something for nothing, and that you should think about the person before getting involved and trusting them.

3. Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result

Albert Einstein famously said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Intelligent people understand that is a method doesn’t work the next step is to find a new method that might. Repeatedly doing the same thing will frustrate and annoy you – but it won’t move you forward.

4. Expecting instant gratification

Smart people understand that hard work comes before the reward in most situations. Instead of becoming frustrated that they don’t get what they want immediately, they motivate themselves to keep going because they know they will eventually get the reward.

5. Not doing your work and blagging a good result

Most people take a few short cuts during life; for instance, many people have taken an exam without revising and still received a good result. Successful, smart people understand that this is luck and using this method will actually hold them back from achieving their full potential.

6. Blaming problems on everything other than yourself

It can be difficult to accept responsibility when things go wrong, and many people have blamed it on something or someone else at least once. Smart people may make this mistake once but the experience teaches them that they hold the power, and accepting this means they have the ability to change their lives for the better.

7. Trying to change someone else

Many people with good intentions have tried to change someone. However, the only way someone will change is if they actually want to. You cannot make someone want to change, and smart people realize this and instead choose to work on changing themselves for the better, instead of others.

8. Forcibly asserting yourself as a leader

Lots of people would like to lead their company, family or group of friends – even if the others don’t want them to lead. Smart people understand that trying to make all of the decisions can be offensive to others, as it implies they always know better. Instead, they make suggestions that everyone can benefit from.

9. Trying to impress everyone

Most people have tried to impress everyone at least once during school, college or work, but this normally turns out badly. Trying to be who others want you to be often means you come across as phony, but some people never seem to realize this. Smart people make the connection as soon as someone thinks they seem fake, and instead focus on making others like them be being genuine and honest.

10. Trying to be a people pleaser

Most people try to be a people pleaser with good intentions; they want to get along with their co-workers or friends and they like to make others happy. However, it is impossible to please everyone and some people will try to take advantage of this kindness. Smart people realize that doing this will leave them with no time left for themselves, and so they instead they focus on making themselves happy – and everyone else once they have done their own work.