1. Not having retirement or investing on your mind.

Many people think to themselves that they have plenty of time to save for retirement and that they don’t need to start just yet. However, that is not always the best way to think about retirement. Saving money now can help you down the road because every little bit counts.

2. Not having a will or trust.

Going without a will or trust is not a good idea. You want to be able to determine what happens to those you love and what happens to the things that you have if something were to happen to you. Also, setting up a trust can help your family out if you don’t think that they will do what is best for them with the money that you leave them. This way you can continue to take care of your family if something were to happen to you.

3. Having debt.

Regardless if you classify your debt as “good” or “bad,” if you are paying a high interest rate because of your debt and losing money, then this is probably a money mistake. If you can’t earn a higher return for your money, then you should be paying off your debt as fast as you can so that you can start earning a return on your money.

4. Not thinking about an emergency fund.

Do you have an emergency fund? Some say that you should have $1,000 (if you have debt), others say that you should have six months. You need to determine what is right for you and what you feel comfortable with. A good emergency fund can protect you if an unexpected expense were to come up. An emergency fund may be saved to cover a job loss, home repair, a cut in hours and so on.

5. Going without insurance.

Going without insurance can be one of your money mistakes that you make. You should always try to have some level or car insurance, health insurance and life insurance. Going without these forms of insurance or an adequate level could mean that you will have to pay a large expense if something were to come up.

6. Not saving money.

Are you spending more money than you bring in each month? You should be aiming to save money each month and not spend every single penny.

7. Going without a budget.

No matter how much money you make, you should have a realistic idea of what your income and bills are each month. If you are making $200,000 every year and spending $200,000 every year, then you are not doing the best even if you think you are. Having a budget can show you where you are making mistakes and where you can possibly improve.

8. Lending money to others without thinking about the consequences.

If you ever lend money to others, then you really need to think about the consequences. Whether you lend cash directly to them or you cosign on a loan, there are negatives that could possibly happen. You have to be prepared to lose when lending money to others.

9. Using credit cards as a form of income.

There are many people out there who are bad with credit cards and use it as a form of income. If you think that you will rack up credit card debt, then leave your credit card at home! Also, only buy what you can truly afford.

10. Trying to keep up with the spending of others.

Do you find yourself spending more in order to keep up with the spending of others? Maybe someone bought a big house and you feel the need to buy a big house as well. Whatever the case is, you should analyze why you actually want something, especially if it is a big purchase. You should learn to be happy with yourself and realize that material purchases do not make you a better person.