1. A Scoop of Lemon Juice For An Improved Immune System.


Lemons have alkalizing effect on body and are detoxifying in nature. It also contains high quantity of Vitamin C that helps in maintaining a healthy weight. According to a study in the Journal of Nutrition in 2007, researchers found out people who take in more of Vitamin C weight less as compared to people who avoid Vitamin C in their daily consumption of food.


Adding lemon juice to hot water and drinking it daily in the morning will kick start your day with a boost of Vitamin C that will work as a fat burning component and help you depollute your immune system.

2. A Scoop of Cinnamon To Regulate Blood Sugar.


Consuming cinnamon helps in regulating blood sugar, which is highly important in your weight loss process. The antimicrobial and anti-parasitic properties of cinnamon assist in balancing blood glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure.


3. A Scoop of Raw Organic Honey For Good Metabolism.


The raw organic honey helps increase metabolism with presence of 22 amino acids that stops body to gain weight and at the same time providing effective fat burning treatment. Raw organic honey is not similar to your jar-packed honey. When buying, make sure the label reads raw and organic. The inclusion of minerals like iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorous, calcium and zinc makes raw organic honey a strong substitute to regular sugar.


The best way to consume honey is to take one or two spoonful of it straight from the jar. Honey will do the magic to make sure you lose extra pounds while you enjoy a peaceful sleep.

4. A Scoop of Apple Cider Vinegar To Curb Hunger.


Fresh apple cider includes enzymes, minerals and vitamins, whose intake allows our body to feel less hungry. Apple cider vinegar is also packed with fibers and organic acids that helps us to not munch on snacks needlessly. According to 2005 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it is highlighted that people who had intake of apple cider vinegar with their breads ate lesser and felt satisfied with the amount of food provided as compared to those who did not. It is mainly because of acetic acid that is the primary constituent of the vinegar.


The best way to find good quality of apple cider vinegar is to choose the one that is produced from organically grown apples. It is important to note that diluted intake of apple cider vinegar is recommended. To let the vinegar help in curbing hunger, you can take 2 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar with a glass of water, 30 minutes before meal.

5. A Scoop of Virgin Coconut Oil For Healthy Fat Intake.


Virgin coconut oil contains saturated fat that helps in reducing weight and providing required healthy fatty acids, which stops us from eating excessively. The International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition stated in their 2010 study that coconut oil helps in increasing our metabolism and reducing appetite significantly. It is also the only oil that should be cooked as it is heat resistant and maintains its goodness while adding sweet flavor to your food.


To maintain the healthy fat intake via virgin coconut oil, try replacing some cooking fat with it. Most people replace their olive oil with virgin coconut oil and enjoy its benefits in reducing appetite in addition to working as anti-aging component.

6. A Scoop of Turmeric To Gain Good Antioxidants.


Turmeric is truly the most effective way to shed extra pounds without having any side-effects. The healthy yellow-orange spice contains curcumin which provide lots of antioxidants and helps in detoxification. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties aids in better functioning of immune system and lowering cholesterol. A review of European Journal of Nutrition, 2010, states that when body does not need to waste energy over fighting inflammation, it reduces weight easily.


It can be added to beef or meat to provide its beautiful color and productivity. Recently popular way to intake turmeric in Western world is through consumption of Golden Milk. Golden Milk is a combination of turmeric with coconut oil/ coconut milk.

7. A Scoop of Ginger For Better Digestion.


Ginger helps in the movement of food inside our body and provides with high fiber content. The rate of metabolism significantly rises with intake of ginger that helps in burning fat and calories. Used in ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines, ginger is full with goodness and works as anti-inflammatory agent. It also suppresses hunger and regulates blood sugar.


Ginger can be added to spice up soup and steak. It can also be consumed with lemon making it a sort of tea, which can be taken before breakfast.

8. A Scoop of Organic Cocoa Powder To Suppress Appetite.


Organic cocoa powder helps you satisfy your sweet tooth while acting as the influential natural way to suppress appetite. The contents of cocoa powder help in elevating mood, and source our body with antioxidants and proteins. It amazingly metabolizes fat and uses it as energy. Organic cocoa powder works effectively for 22 hours and reduces oxidation damage to blood, according to British Journal of Nutrition, 2010.


Organic cocoa powder is different from dark chocolate or drinking chocolate. It can easily be found in baking section of supermarkets. To suppress appetite while consuming healthy fat, cocoa powder can be taken with lukewarm coconut milk.

9. A Scoop of Ground Flax Seed For Essential Fiber.


Flax seed have abundance of rich fiber that helps in sooth bowel movement. A good digestive system with healthy gut bacteria provided by flax seed can result in dropping extra pounds easily. With lots of omega 3 fatty acids and 25 percent of fiber, ground flax seed helps in reducing hunger and gaining antioxidants, reported by the journal Appetite in its 2012 issue. It also keeps heart and liver diseases at bay.


Only ground flax seed should be consumed, whole flax seed goes undigested from our body. It can be consumed by sprinkling it over yogurt, salads and soups.

10. A Scoop of Garlic To Flush Fat.


Garlic herb has many benefits including boosting metabolism, burning fat and providing detoxification. It balances the blood sugar level and aids in effective weight loss. A famous Korean study published in 2011 in Journal of Nutrition proposes a study on mice in which fat mice got slim by the consumption of garlic.


A bittersweet drink of this herb and lemon juice can aid your body in losing extra fat. Peel 3 garlic cloves and leave them in open for 10 minutes; then add lemon juice from 1 lemon in a glass of water. Stir it for 2 minutes and drink this first thing in the morning. Featured photo credit: Ajale/ Pixabay via pixabay.com

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