If your significant other exhibits some of the following 10 signs, it’s fair to come to the conclusion that you’re dating an emotional psychopath.

1. They Lack Empathy

Does your partner not seem to have any emotions whatsoever? They don’t have to be overly emotional, but there should certainly be signs of sympathy and empathy. If you’ve gone through issues in your relationship and there’s never been any display of compassion or vulnerability, something’s wrong.

2. They Lie All the Time

Does your partner show signs of being a habitual liar? They don’t even have to be major fibs – little white lies are the same. Emotional psychopaths have a tendency to lie about everything, which provides an unstable foundation for a relationship.

3. They Humiliate You in Front of People

Your significant other is supposed to support and encourage you. If they are always humiliating you in front of other people, it means they don’t care about your feelings and would rather tear you down than build you up.

4. They Crave Attention but Don’t Give Any

An emotional psychopath thrives on attention. However, the ironic thing is that they rarely give attention in return. They want you to tend to their needs, but you’ll be hard-pressed to see them do the same. This unhealthy cycle leads to a one-sided relationship.

5. They Always Place the Blame on You

The blame-game is all too familiar with emotional psychopaths. They never take responsibility for their actions and always expect someone else to take the fall. Sound familiar?

6. They Isolate You

Because emotional psychopaths crave attention, they want to make sure you don’t give any to anyone else. They do this by isolating you from your friends and family members. They’ll discourage you from leaving the house and may even try to convince you that you don’t need other people – because you have all you could ever need in them.

7. They Blackmail You

If you ever do something that your partner doesn’t like, they’ll rarely confront you in a gentle or compassionate way. Instead, they’ll become enraged and may even blackmail you. In serious cases, emotional psychopaths may threaten to physically harm themselves.

8. They Never Show Remorse

Despite all of the bad things they do – and the frequency with which they hurt you – emotional psychopaths rarely show remorse. The words “I’m sorry” aren’t in their vocabulary, no matter the situation. In fact, they’re more likely to try and convince you that the problems in your relationship are your fault.

9. They Have a Sadistic Sense of Humor

Everyone has a different sense of humor, but emotional psychopaths are on their own level. They find humor in things that most people find unlawful or disgusting. While it may only seem strange at first, it evolves over time and becomes creepy and disturbing.

10. They are Extremely Charming at Times

Ironically enough, despite all of the negative behaviors they exhibit, emotional psychopaths are often extremely charismatic and charming. This is a big part of the issue. Just when you’ve had enough, they turn on their charm and convince you that everything’s going to be alright. It’s during these times that you have to remember the rest of the story.

It’s Time to Move On

Do any of these 10 signs sound familiar? If so, stand up for yourself and end the relationship. The sooner you do so, the better off you’ll be. Featured photo credit: markus spiske via imcreator.com