Check out 10 signs that you might be one month pregnant.

1. You Have Swollen Or Tender Breasts

One of the most common signs of pregnancy is swollen or sore breasts. As the breasts prepare to produce milk for the baby, they will fill out and slightly change shape, which happens in the early stages of pregnancy. This soreness will normally last for a few months, but not all women will experience this. You are less likely to experience this if you were previously on birth control pills.

2. You Are Fatigued

Feeling tired and fatigued at the beginning of pregnancy is also very common, as it puts a large strain on your body to actually create a baby. These symptoms tend to wear off at around the 12-week mark, as by then the placenta is fully formed. Click here to check out tips on how to alleviate pregnancy fatigue.

3. You Have Spotting

It is normal to bleed very lightly about five to ten days after conception, as this is when the embryo implants in the uterus. Many women think this bleeding is their period, but it is normally much lighter than a period and doesn’t last as long.

4. You Are Sensitive To Smells

If you are noticing the smells in your home and office more, this could be a sign that you are pregnant. Being sensitive to smells is one of the most common early signs of pregnancy. Some researchers believe this may be to protect pregnant women from eating gone-off food that could be harmful to the baby.

5. You Have Constipation Or The Constant Need To Wee

When you carry a child, your uterus presses on your bladder, so you may feel the need to urinate more frequently. This pressure and changes to your intestines can also cause constipation, so both of these can be signs of early pregnancy.

6. You Have Been Feeling Dizzy

Blood pressure can gradually decrease in early pregnancy due to a combination of shifting hormones and the heart beating faster. This can leave you feeling faint and light-headed — but don’t worry, this is normal for the early stages of pregnancy. If you are regularly feeling dizzy and you are concerned, book a check-up with your doctor.

7. You Feel Nauseous

Feeling nauseous is a very common side effect of the early stages of pregnancy — we have all heard the term “morning sickness,” which around 80 per cent of pregnant women experience. This normally lasts for the first three months of pregnancy. For some unfortunate women, it isn’t just confined to the morning and can happen at any point during the day. Check out this website for more facts about morning sickness and how to relieve the symptoms.

8. You Have Missed Your Period

Missing your period may seem like a sure sign of pregnancy, but there are many different reasons why women can miss their periods, including stress or diet. However, if you have missed your period, it is worth buying a pregnancy test to make sure.

9. You Have A Metallic Taste In Your Mouth

Although there is no scientific explanation so far as to why pregnant women get a metallic taste in their mouths, many women have experienced this symptom — and for some, it can last for the duration of the pregnancy.

10. You Are Feeling More Hungry Than Normal

Feeling more hungry is a common sign of early pregnancy — your body is working extra hard to grow and feed your child, so pregnant women need roughly an extra 300 calories per day. You may simply feel hungry all day long, or you may get cravings for unusual foods if you are one month pregnant. What did you think of this list? Share it with anyone you know who is pregnant to see what they think!