1. There is never enough time.

The richer you become the more you find value in time. The rich have a serious appreciation for time, because it is never enough. Money they understand they can regain, but time to value and appreciate what they have becomes more limited as their responsibilities increase.

2. They are not seen for who they really are.

People feel money changes the rich, that somewhere in between they have become different from who they were. Although this can be true in a sense, because they really don’t change but their circumstances do, people do not dig to find out who they really are.

3. They don’t raise their family the regular way

Raising their family goes beyond the norm because somehow, even when they try to instill the values they had as children, they have their wealth that sort of causes a divide between morals and financial security. Even if they made a great effort with their kids, it is more difficult with grandchildren who were born to splendor and think they deserve everything good they have.

4. They find it more difficult to spend money than make it

This scenario has been presented by the billionaire Warren Buffet: it is one thing to make money; it is another thing to spend it. As you make more money, it offers you more options and choices that test you to make smarter decisions. Limitations can force you to simplify, but with the rich they become spoiled for choices.

5. They struggle to find a balance in their lives

Being rich means giving just as much as you are receiving. Many do not realize how much they can offer and they are swallowed by their own wealth. Trying to balance the world of work and family becomes more tedious as they amass more wealth.

6. They are under stiff pressure

Being rich means more expectation and more worries. According to Jack Ma, becoming wealthy has put him under “much pressure.” As a rich person there are people who surround you because of what they expect from you. And there is the deal to make sure your wealth is not stolen but protected.

7. They battle with their desires

It goes beyond having a three course meal, and beyond lodging in a seven-star hotel, rather it is about the feeling of being rich and how they can manage such feeling to achieving something worthwhile and could become a legacy.

8. They are obsessed with their passions

The super rich are immersed in their passions daily, they are consumed by it and not any other thing comes close in comparison. They eat, sleep, read and are intoxicated with finding answers to a nagging problem. They struggle to find something else that can make them as happy.

9. They find it difficult to understand who is realistic to them

It is a struggle to find people who are not around you with a false pretense. People are always around you, including family, for what you can offer them rather than what they can offer you. You rarely get the love or attention you want for who you are rather than what your status is built on.

10. They are often criticized

No matter what they do or don’t do will never pass without some criticism. People will consider it unfair that they have all the money; some will despise them for not sharing it with them. The rich are often criticized and are sometimes unjustly maligned. Featured photo credit: Austentatious/Kurtis Garbutt via flickr.com