1. Learn to love each other’s flaws

Whatever the reasons are that made you fall in love with your significant other, there are bound to be some sort of flaws that surface throughout the relationship, and one thing that I have learned from my parents is that by learning to love the other persons flaws, you end up feeling more closer to who they truly are than before.  If you are like my step dad who was able to love my mom, even though she had us three kids, and even better, love us, and take care of us like we were his own flesh and blood, you truly understand this concept.

2. You do not have to enjoy everything they do

It may seem like that your significant other would want you to enjoy everything that they do, but we all know that its not always going to be like that.  If you both like to go watch the races every Sunday together, that is great! Just don’t feel like you have to learn to like it to make your S.O. happy.

3. Giving each other space is equally important to spending time together

There is definitely such a thing as spending too much time together.  I’ve witnessed this, as well as went through this myself.  You start to feel a bit annoyed with you S.O. and just want some space, and that is okay!  This is the perfect opportunity to go and do the things that your S.O. doesn’t enjoy to do, and when you are reunited you have new stories, and a new found appreciation for their presence again!

4. Compromise

When there are times where it isn’t feasible to do things separate, compromise is a key attribute to have.  By saying that you will do what he/she wants to do this time, if you guys can do what you want to do the next time, it makes choosing easier and everybody is happy in the end.

5. It is important to respect their family

This may seem like a no brainer, but it is often overlooked.  If you are not as their close to your family as your S.O. is to theirs, you may sometimes come off a little uncaring when it comes to things that involve their side.  Their family is who made them who they are as a person today, so it is important to respect any differences they may have, and to try to get along with them.  It will definitely mean a whole lot to them, and after all, you want to make sure they are happy, right?

6. Appreciate what each other has to give

You both play key roles in the relationships more than just romantically.  Whether it comes down to who brings home more money each month, or who does more of the domestic work, you should appreciate what the other one has to offer.  That is something my parents are always good at doing.

7. Do not let chivalry die, fellas

My (step) father truly taught me how to treat a lady, and that’s just what he did for my mom.  There is nothing wrong with holding the door open when out in public, opening her car door for her, or giving her your jacket when she is cold.  It makes a girl feel really good when a man does these little things for her, and it really takes no effort to do them.

8. Ladies, it is okay to cater to your man

If your guy takes the time to do the things for you that I wrote in #7, I hope you understand its okay to cater to him every now, and again. Make him dinner, fold his clothes, or whatever you can do to help him out.  This makes a guy feel really appreciated, and will make him crazy for you.  I’m not suggesting do everything for him all the time, but especially if he is the primary bread winner of the house, it would make his days.

9. Communication is crucial

I’ve seen times where my parents would run into conflict due to lack of communication.  It makes things easier for everybody if you both communicate on a regular basis, this way you are both on the same page with current issues, and plans that you may have.

10. Just remember, arguing is normal

Nobody is perfect!  Things are going to happen, you two will argue more than you may think, its just how you handle the situation is what will make or break the relationship.  If you do not escalate the situation even further than it needs to be, usually the problems can be resolved fairly quickly.  I’ve seen this between my parents, and through years of marriage, not one of them has ever taken it too far, or walked out.  Just remember, you both are adults, you both love each other, and you can get through this together. Featured photo credit: https://pixabay.com/en/users/Unsplash-242387/ via pixabay.com