1. They accept their partner as he or she is

There is no pressure to change one another, because both of you know that no one is perfect and that everyone has their flaws. Instead of dwelling on the shortcomings you embrace their strengths and are grateful for finding such a great partner. And if they want to improve themselves in anyway you are 100 percent behind them, cheering them on all the way.

2. They ask how each others’ day was

The moment that they walk through the door, they take a moment and ask how each others’ day went. It may be a quick check-in or a longer discussion, but that moment of contact is crucial for couples to reconnect after a busy day and be clued in to what happened to their significant other while they were apart.

3. They never bring up past sore points in current arguments

Couples that have healthy relationships know not to bring up sensitive topics from past arguments, because they know that it will only escalate the current disagreement. They have learned that fighting should be fair and that dwelling on past low points will only open wounds and be counterproductive to figuring out a solution for the issue at hand.

4. They trust one another with the other gender

There is a great amount of trust in one another that they honor their relationship and not stray. They trust that if their partner has a friend of the opposite sex, that they are just a friend and nothing more. They have built this trust by demonstrating honesty with one another and expecting the same in return.

5. They fully support each others’ passions

Couple who are in a thriving relationship, support each others’ hobbies and passions without hesitation. They know that if their partner is doing something that truly makes them happy, then their relationship will directly benefit from it as a result.

6. They know the importance of compromise

They understand that relationships take work and are willing to work things out so both parties are happy with all the decisions that are made together. Their is a mutral understanding that sometimes there is a little give and take, but that ultimately each member has only the best interests in mind for everyone involved.

7. They show appreciation for the small everyday things

Grand sweeping gestures are always exciting for couples to give to each other, but it is the small every day things that are met with deeper gratitude. Sparkling jewelry might blow her mind in the moment, but helping out with the dishes on a consistent basis will stay in her mind longer and will be met with a true appreciation that you are putting in effort to maintain the relationship.

8. They compliment each other frequently

Couples who have flourishing relationships, know that it is important to compliment each other frequently to boost each others’ confidence. They know firsthand that nothing compares to getting praise from their significant other and they are bound to return the favor often.

9. They don’t take themselves too seriously

Couples that are able to maintain a healthy relationship make sure to add laughter to the mix, whether it is through inside jokes or having silly pet names that they can call each other at home.

10. They are straightforward with each other

An important contributing factor to healthy relationships is that the lines of communication are clear and that each party says what is on their mind, instead of beating around the bush. They know that their partner is not a mind-reader and that they have to be direct if they want their partner to know what is on their mind. Featured photo credit: Pixabay via pixabay.com