Check out this list of 10 things only people who enjoy being single understand.

1. They Don’t Have To Factor Someone Else Into Their Decisions

It is common courtesy to check in with your partner when you’re making a big decision. However, when you’re single, the only person you need to please is yourself. From booking a last minute weekend trip away with your friends, to choosing to quit your job and go back to school, you can do anything you want – without having to discuss the choice with someone else.

2. They Learn To Love Time Spent Alone

Spending time alone can seem like you don’t have plans, but many single people love to hang out alone – In fact, they embrace it. From long walks listening to music, to cooking yourself a meal you loved as child, you love to spend an evening alone; after all, you’re one of your favorite people.

3. They Can Make Everything Exactly How They Want It

From the way you decorate your house to the food you want in your fridge, everything is exactly how you want it. One of the best parts of this is the cleaning; you only have to tidy up after yourself.

4. They Don’t Have To Compromise Their Priorities

You know what matters the most to you, whether it is your home, friends, family or career. When you are single you can choose what you want to focus most of your energy on. While it may feel scary and intimidating to be fully in control of your own decisions, it means you are likely to make the best choices for yourself.

5. They Rarely Go Through Intense Arguments

You may find your tipsy uncle irritating after five hours at a family event, but you’re not actually sure when you last took part in a screaming argument. Instead, you listen to your friends and co-workers discuss the latest fights in their relationships, while feeling grateful that your life is actually fairly stress free.

6. They Can Have Privacy Whenever They Want

Most people have rituals to make them look the way they do when they leave the house, and they are often pretty unsightly. Acne cream and face masks might make you look and feel amazing tomorrow, but you probably don’t want an audience while they are actually on.

7. They Are In Control Of The Remote

Or the mouse pad on the laptop. Whenever you load up Netflix it’s so you can catch up on the TV shows you love – and if your favorite way to watch TV is to marathon trashy reality television, there’s no-one to judge you or turn it off.

8. They Don’t Have To Find A Balance Between Their Relationship And Their Friends

Sometimes people in relationships can struggle to spend the right amount of time with both their friends and their partner. However, when you’re single you can spend all the time you want with your friends. From last minute film nights to a weekend trip away, you can always say yes – perfect!

9. They Don’t Have To Worry About Settling

You don’t have to worry about someone else’s baggage, different viewpoints, or simply ending up with someone who is completely wrong for them. Learning to love being alone means it will take someone truly amazing for you to change your lifestyle.

10. They Don’t Have To Share Their Bed

When you wake up in the night, you can easily roll over in your bed. You don’t have to worry about someone stealing all of the quilts or taking up all of the space. Enough said. Featured photo credit: Side view shot of an attractive young woman sitting on her bed reading an interesting novel. Caucasian female model in bedroom reading a book. via