1. We think they are mysterious

We like to know what other people are thinking and how we can connect with that, whether it is through their success or challenges. We want to share and discuss. But introverts never share their problems or difficulties. Actually they rather observe than share. They simply want to keep to themselves and only speak when they are willing to.

2. We think they lack self-esteem

Why should someone keep to themselves in such a strange way? Why can’t they be expressive and accommodate us? It must mean that they lack confidence and are not courageous enough to bring some energy to their interactions with us.

3. We think they look down upon us or feel inferior to us

If they are not feeling inferior to us, then we think that they might be feeling superior to us. They should have a lot of things to say, but they prefer not talking. The truth though is that introverts just like to keep to themselves. And this doesn’t really sink in well with us because we want something more out of our relationships.

4. We think they need to get a life

Action matters a lot to us and we love to pump up every scenario we’re in with action. Why should we act otherwise? We do think introverts should care more about the world around them and participate more. We want them to open up their emotional gates and be more accommodating.

5. We think they are afraid

It is so difficult to comprehend why people would be so cold and distant some times. We think they are not willing to make that effort and be around people who will fire up their energy. We think they are afraid and not prepared to let go.

6. We think they are boring

They really are uninteresting and unexciting. How can someone find comfort and happiness in being alone? With them not conversing and keeping to themselves a lot, it is hard to figure out how to add excitement to interactions.

7. We think they are rude

We think that they are in between being arrogant and rude. Can they be honest and real with the way they act since they seem to shunning everyone and spending time only with themselves? We really want them to fit in and tolerate others too.

8. We feel they are not really good communicators

They are not expressive. But they may be good listeners. Yet it matters that we want to hear them and know what is going on inside them. Awkwardness when participating in one-sided conversations doesn’t make us extroverts feel really cool.

9. We think they are lonely

They must be alone and finding it hard to get out of their box. They really need our help to find some social presence. They really cannot be at their best if they are always locked into their own world. To be happy don’t they need to spend time with people?

10. We think they are unpredictable

If they are mysterious, how can you really know what they are up to? They certainly must have some aces up their sleeves. You can’t really know with them and it can be such a Herculean task trying to break through their walls. Perhaps it is best to leave them the way they are. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com