1. You had to have that extra change well kept

Those extra coins mattered. It was hard to throw them away. Because most times when you took that long walk to the payphone you needed some of it to make that call. Or when you got on the bus, you needed some of it too.

2. You had to wait for weeks to get those pictures developed

We had to practically wait for almost anything. Nothing was fast enough and getting your film developed into a picture could take ages that is if 99% wasn’t already blurred.

3. You had to sit and wait for your favorite TV shows

You remember Fresh Prince of Bel Air, if you were not before the TV when the show started, you simply were going to miss out, and go out in search of someone with a great narrative skill.

4. You had to wait ages to download one song

It was always a test of faith and patience to get the song you loved into your computer. You could wait so long for it you slept dreaming about the tunes of the song in the process.

5. You spent hours in the library getting your assignments done

Going through the shelves and looking through so many books was really a bore. But well that was the only way to get your research paper done. If we couldn’t tolerate the library’s smell, we simply would rent the library’s encyclopedia to get our homework done.

6. You needed a road map or an atlas to travel

Getting lost wasn’t so much of a big deal since we were practically explorers and always had a physical road map to keep us busy almost throughout our travels.

7. You had someone else to take your photos the perfect way

No selfies. You needed a stranger to get you that perfect shot and make you look so good, when you could have simply edited all that stress in the first place.

8. You had to work hard not to have your cassette tapes twisted

It was a painstaking exercise. When we were rewinding and forwarding was a pain also. It needed careful attention to make sure our tapes were safe.

9. You had to wait for days to rent the movies you loved

When we went to rent our favorite movies, there were never enough copies in the store. And we had to either pick some other movies or just be more patient.

10. You had phone boxes though

At least there was a decent place where we could capture great head-shots and fascinate about the experience of doing such.

11. You had to wait by the radio to tape our favorite song

Well this was no big deal. If you loved a song so much, just wait or call the radio station to play it for you. Recording your favorite song came with a huge feeling of accomplishment that is if the DJ didn’t spoil it for you with his/her signature sound.

12. You had to schedule everything before we went out

Whether you were going out or waiting, you simply had to stick with the schedule. There were no mobile phones so it was so impossible to make do with a plan B.

13. Loving someone meant writing it out

We sent a lot of love letters back in the days. That was the best way to make a woman feel good about you. That was why I had to make sure my handwriting was pretty sexy. Still miss those days and the struggle. Duuuuuhhhhh!!!! Featured photo credit: http://www.flickr.com via flickr.com