1. You find it difficult to adjust to conventional systems.

A good part of our society caters for the extrovert, from our office spaces to hang out spots. Although you try to appear suitable for your environment you still feel awkward in large social settings. As an outgoing introvert, your focus is not matched for traditional settings because you will probably hate it.

2. You take your time to be warmed up around people.

You wouldn’t tell your story within the first hour of meeting someone new at a party. Although you desire to be an object of attention, you take your time to unleash yourself to people you are meeting for the first time. Furthermore, you would prefer things are more controlled in such a gathering before you start socializing.

3. You are more attracted to introverts than extroverts.

Although you are a more outgoing introvert, you are still drawn to people who have the same attitudes and perspectives as you do. According to a few studies, introverts depend on their environment to gather energy and if the environment is not well suited with the right individuals or factors, you suddenly love to retreat.

4. You like to have fun and go out, but it should only be with your inner circle of friends.

Extroverts love to take full advantage of new environments or social gatherings. But introverts who are outgoing want their social gatherings to be special and have a more bonding appeal. That is why they would prefer to perform outdoor activities only with their inner circle of friends.

5. You prefer a balance of socializing, yet wanting to be alone.

As much as you want to go out to that new party, you would also want to be indoors with a cup of coffee or tea and being alone with yourself. Outgoing introverts try to weave a balance between both worlds of being with people and being with themselves.

6. Your energy level is determined by your environment.

Getting to a party and warming up works well for you. But how long you stay in such an environment is dependent on the people you meet and how they could help you recharge that energy level you came to the party with. However since in such occasions you are usually surrounded with extroverts who are great at draining your social batteries, you quickly withdraw to your own solitude.

7. You love engaging in deep conversations.

Being an outgoing introvert doesn’t restrain you from trying to get the best out of your environment. You despise small talk and you are more into philosophy and great ideas. You socialize only with people who can make the best out of conversations and entertain you intellectually.

8. You focus your attention on people when you are with them.

Most times you are avoiding people and retreating to yourself. But anytime you grace a meeting with people you have not been with for so long your attention is totally on them. People may consider you to be flirty or overly sensitive but you like to get the best out of an environment when it engages you.

9. You are not very comfortable with your first dates.

You are catchy during your first conversations and engagements with the opposite sex or a romantic interest, yet days after, you want to be left alone and want to distance yourself from such a person.

10. You have a mysterious spark.

Most times, people consider you to be unusual as you are unpredictable, but this is not intentional on your part as you do not consider your social life to be a focus.

11. You find it difficult to explain who you are.

You really cannot explain if you are social or antisocial or if you are introvert or an extrovert. You can’t explain where you belong since you have elements from both worlds. When you explain to people that you are really shy, people find this difficult to grasp.

12. You enjoy traveling alone.

Traveling doesn’t have to be with a gang for you, yet you are excited that through the journey you will meet new people and gain new experiences.

13. You are deeply concerned about your state of being.

Truth be told your life is a conundrum and it hurts not knowing how to deal with the social and anti-social thing. You are deeply worried when you read this post or when you discover that all this while you have actually being angled as an outgoing introvert. Featured photo credit: http://www.unsplash.com via download.unsplash.com