1. You wear the essentials.

If you are like me, your wardrobe is pretty simple and not full of clothes that you probably never wear. In regards to laundry, this is done when clothes are dirty and helps save the environment. You use less detergent and less energy, in every sense of the word.

2. You are always ready first.

This is a star quality of being low maintenance in my opinion. You are the one who spends the least time on showering, dressing and getting ready. While waiting for everyone else, you can use the time to catch up on Facebook or read a book.

3. You treat your hair as another quick fix.

If you are a low maintenance girl, you are going to put your hair in a ponytail if you are having a bad hair day. If you are a guy, you are going to grow a beard to cut down on shaving time.

4. You are pretty relaxed about where your significant other is.

You know the constant phoning and messages. ‘Where are you now?’ seems to be the new mantra. Being low maintenance, you do not insist on constant tracking. You leave that to the satellites!

5. You decline shopping invitations.

Being a low maintenance person means you shun shopping outings. There is likely to be a lot of tension about minor choices for your friends in which you are going to be involved. So it is always best to make an excuse that you have something else (better?) to do!

6. Your packing for holidays is dead simple.

You can easily get all your stuff in a carry-on. This saves on baggage charges and time as well. No worrying about whether your case has arrived. No pulled muscles from lugging a heavy suitcase around.

7. You rarely complain.

You are content with very little as regards clothes, accommodation and personal space. This makes life easier for you as there is no time wasted in complaining about every little thing. Now, if only high maintenance folk could take a leaf out of your book.

8. You avoid high maintenance people at work like the plague.

You know the people I mean. They are the ones who always waste time, never take the blame and they are always the first to criticize! They are on the borderline of getting sacked but they are never or rarely fired. You are on an entirely different wavelength and spend time trying to be more productive, more collaborative and more innovative.

9. Your beauty regime is simple and quick.

You know how to keep things simple. If you are wearing a bold colored lipstick, you know that your eyes will not need any attention. Your skin does not need much care either. You know that drinking plenty of water is going to give you a great glow and you eat lots of healthy fruit and veggies to keep it that way. If you are a guy, your grooming regime consists of using whatever body wash is on sale and you can be ready in ten minutes after stepping out of the shower.

10. You hate ironing.

A great tip to get that perfectly ironed dress or shirt in no time is to put some tin foil under the cover on the ironing board. This conducts more heat on to the fabric you are ironing. So, ironing is faster and crease free.

11. You spend money wisely.

Imagine spending £140,000 in your lifetime on cosmetics and hairdos. That is the figure revealed by The Independent in the UK. This is the average figure a woman in the UK spends. High maintenance grooming for men is not far behind. When you reflect on that, you think of all the great times, holidays and outings you have had while still managing to look decent on a very small budget.

12. You are easy company.

You are not demanding. What a great quality to have! You do not need cosseting or pampering and you are pretty relaxed. You are only too well aware of what gets in the way of enjoying someone’s company so you focus on the pleasure rather than the buts and ifs.

13. You are a great listener.

This is priceless. You do not need attention so you talk much less and listen more. You are the one to ask for ideas when brainstorming. You know how to set boundaries to avoid high maintenance people getting too much of your attention.

14. You find solutions.

Whether it is what you are going to have for dinner or the next deadline at work, you are the one to come up with solutions. While the others around you are intent on firing their egos or being inflexible, you are the one who can adapt to change. “I’m open to ideas, what would you like to eat/propose?” comes naturally to you.

15. You are not too picky.

In the film ’When Harry Met Sally’ Billy Crystal (Harry) makes it perfectly plain that Meg Ryan (Sally) is far too choosy, demanding and bossy. That is his definition of a high maintenance person and Sally fitted the bill perfectly. In spite of his preference for a low maintenance partner who would ‘go with the flow’, he ended up marrying her. As that film made almost $93 million, it seems that low maintenance people are pure gold! Featured photo credit: I am a good listener, apparently/Quinn Dombrowski via flickr.com