1.Give Thanks

Give thanks first thing in the morning and before you go to bed at night. When you become upset during the day or things are not going the way you planned, begin to give thanks for what is already going well in your day and your life.

2. Relax

We spend a lot of our time these days rushing around filling our days with meetings, tasks and stuff we need to do, and then we get stressed out and end up worn out or unwell. Make time to relax as often as you can; this will help you break away from the fast paced world and reconnect to your being. Your body will thank you.

3. Disconnect

Have you noticed that people are becoming more and more unsociable and even when they are around friends or family they have their heads stuck in a phone, tablet or other device? Then they wonder why they always feel isolated. It’s time we disconnect from technology and reconnect to other people, with nature or even ourselves.

4. Spend Time With Family and Friends

Spending quality time with your loved ones is necessary if you want a happier life. Sharing your love and company with people you care about can create great experiences, fun and laughter. They will be happier, too. Win-win!

5. Practice Spirituality

The feeling of acceptance and a community of oneness could lead to a happier life for you. Studies have even shown that people are happier when they are involved in spiritual practices.

6. Write

Writing down your thoughts and worries on paper can release emotional tension, leaving you feeling happier. Putting your emotions on paper can also help the brain to regulate your emotions, leaving a sense of release. If you are going to try writing your thoughts, emotions, worries or concerns for the first time, do this alone in a quiet space to make the process more effective.

7. Pamper Yourself

Why can it be so difficult to treat ourselves once in a while? We have to force ourselves to break away and have a treat, and even when we do (if we do) there is a sense of guilt. Life is short and we are here to enjoy the experience. If you love treats, then treat and pamper yourself often.

8. Dress Up

Getting dressed up can give you a feeling of confidence and swag, allowing you to shine bright and radiate a positive energy wherever you go Dress up often as you like. How about every day?

9.  Laugh

Often. As the saying goes, “laughter is medicine”, and I believe this to be very true. Besides, happier people are lees likely to become ill. So take the time to laugh and create situations that will allow you to laugh, such like watching one of your favorite comedy films.  

10. Be In The Moment

Quit looking back at your past failures or worrying about what will happen in the future. Focus on what is happening right now. How do you feel right now? What can you hear? Spend more time being present and fully in the moment. This will eliminate all your worries and leave you feeling at peace. Give all your attention to your present moment and you will see miracles happen in your life.

11. Forgive Someone

Did you know that forgiving other people can actually make you happier? When you forgive, you no longer have anger towards the other person, which leaves you at peace with them and at peace with yourself.

12. Sing and Dance

You know this is fun, even if you can’t sing or dance!

13. Be Optimistic

Always look for the good in a situation. There are lots of negative people around who talk about negative things, draining your energy and leaving you deflated. Next time you come across someone like this, look for the positive and say something like: “Well, at least {insert positive statement here}.”

14. Acts of Kindness

Make the time to be kind to others, say kind words and do kind deeds. Your happier life depends on it.

15. Don’t Take Life Too Seriously


16. Look After Yourself

Start going to the gym or take up another activity like walking or biking to keep you fit and well. Try eating healthier food. By making small changes to look after yourself, will also have an impact on others around you — and they are likely to make changes in their own lives, too. Become passionate about the things you want to do in life. Always make the time to do them.

17. Have a Goal

This should go without saying. However, there are many people sleep walking through life who will let other people make decisions for them. They will always be frustrated and unhappy. If you are not working towards something, you are going backwards. Set yourself a goal today, whether for a career, fitness or spiritual goal and know that you have the capacity to follow through, because you are an amazing individual!

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