One of the important points is to have eating plan and eating healthly food. Be sure to check out Over 100 Quick and Easy Healthy Foods for some suggestions as well. Important Note: Lifestyle changes should be adopted slowly and carefully, otherwise the avalanche of new and difficult material will swamp you. The more changes for the better you make, the better you will feel, the more ability you will have to make even MORE changes. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that a healthy life style has been a run away snowball for me. If I had tried to make all these changes on Day 1, I would still be having Doritos and Marlboros for dinner. My Suggestions:

  1. If you want to lose more then a few pounds, you must exercise.
  2. Be disciplined. Cardio 5 to 7 days a week, weights every couple of days. Muscle will raise your metabolism and help you burn more calories while your not in the gym. I have had lots of people (including professionals) downplay the value of weight lifting. I didn’t listen, and I think I am better off for it… Diet And Fitness: Don’t Learn The Hard Way – [cgr @]