When you’re reading this article, just make sure to keep an open mind. Just because you don’t consider yourself as a spiritual person doesn’t doesn’t mean you can’t effectively apply these principles. I’ve seen it work to increase sport performance, aid in business success and now, help you with your dating life. By the end of this article, you’ll learn the following:

The secret behind becoming more attractive to those you would like to potentially date How to step out of social conditioning and actually stop caring what other people think How to use the power of silence to your advantage during interactions with women in order to make your interactions more enjoyable for everyone

One last thing to keep in mind: the text you’re going to read includes my interpretation of teachings from the Buddha in order to increase your attractiveness to others. Hence, these lessons aren’t directly tied to Buddhist religious practices or theological teachings, but is rather a personal interpretation. Got it? Lets get to it!

1. “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think…” – The Buddha

If you had to create an image of yourself in your mind, what would that look like? Have you ever wondered why that specific image automatically shows up whenever you ask to see yourself in your mind’s eye? Lets say that you’re currently happy with your love life, and I asked you to describe to me how you see yourself, would you describe a lonely you or one that is living in abundance? Chances are that if you don’t believe your love life will ever improve, you’ll see yourself as a single and miserable person. But if you clearly see yourself as someone who is attractive to people and someone who feels that it’s inevitable that this is going to to be the case, would you feel excited and energetic? Most likely! Lets dig a little deeper and use individuals who became a success as an example of this principle: When LeBron James was in high school, he was quoted as a freshman saying that he dreamed of being in the NBA. He always saw himself as an NBA player and as a result his work ethic had to reflect his self image. And what ended up happening? He’s in the NBA! I’m just going to assume that whenever LeBron made a mental image of himself, he saw an NBA player and that image excited him because it felt inevitable. Who wouldn’t be excited about an inevitable destination of greatness?! How about Arnold Schwarzenegger? What did he see when he thought of himself? In his autobiography, Total Recall, he said that whenever he wanted to achieve something new, he made sure that he saw a clear picture of what he wanted to become. He wanted to become a champion so he made an image of himself being a winner and focused exclusively on that image until its fulfillment. The same principle that made him the greatest body builder of all time helped him become one of the biggest movie stars. To take it even further, he did the same thing and became the Governor of California! That’s right. The Terminator was the Governor of California. Just let that sink in…

Can you notice the trend?

The key to attracting more positive elements and interactions into your life, in this case, interactions and potentially relationships with women, is to first be able to see yourself as someone who effortlessly attracts these kinds of interactions and relationships, and just like it happened to me, the excitement of that vision will move you to take massive action. If you don’t believe it’ll happen for you just find someone who was in the same circumstance and learned how to change their life in this way. You may not get it right the first time, or even the third time, but if you don’t allow the outcome to change the vision you have of yourself, success is inevitable. It’s a liberating realization when you know that your life is a reflection of your thoughts. It’s liberating because in knowing this you know there’s a way out of negative situations, but if you still believe that your past equals your future, then you’re going to feel trapped and never take action. That’s why I’m able to go out and sometimes have spontaneous romantic interactions with women purely by accident because it all began with a vision of me being able to have these kinds of interactions as I go about my day. I didn’t want to depend on my social circle or chance to bring these kinds of experiences into my life. The right decision to make was obvious, and as a result, I began to see myself as a man surrounded by great women, as a man who took action, and in no time I began to get experience positive, romantic interactions with women. I had no other choice. The alternative was a pure nightmare. By commanding your subconscious to make you into a certain person — imagining the person you’re going to have to become — your mind will naturally begin to filter and/or reinterpret experiences that do not supports this vision. For example, take a second (SERIOUSLY) and do the following:

  1. Look around the room and notice everything that’s red.
  2. Close your eyes and try and remember anything that was blue. Chances are that you could barely recall anything that was blue until you opened your eyes and saw that blue was everywhere. Your mind was focused on another goal. No matter what happens. If you see yourself as someone who’s good at talking with women, you’ll find the lessons in every interaction that will take you closer to being that person you are focused on being.

The Twin Brothers Analogy

Two twins were born into a household of an abusive father. One became a successful business man and the other became a drug addict. Unbeknownst to each other, the twins were asked why they ended up the way they did; they both answered the same way: what else did you expect? I was raised with an abusive father. One saw themselves as defined as being victim, and the other saw themselves as someone who was able to overcome any obstacle because of their traumatic experiences. Their self image filtered and interpreted the events to fit the person who they envisioned. They were similar on the outside, but completely different on the inside. One produced success. What was the difference? What they thought of themselves. Knowing this, are you going to continue saying, “I never was able to talk to girls successfully because I wasn’t born good looking” or are you going to say, “I had to learn how to talk to girls because I wasn’t born good looking?”

2. “Believe nothing. No matter where you read it, or who said it. No matter if I have said it. Unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense” – The Buddha

Ever since we were children, our personalities, values and beliefs were molded by society in such a way that we never question our socially acquired beliefs that been handed down from generation to generation. In our society the perception of masculinity has been shaped in such a way that we conceptualize men who attract a lot of women as more masculine, and subsequently, more worthy as people. Men are also in a bind because our culture tells us that in order to be attractive to women we have to comply with a superficial value system that says: money, looks and showering women with gifts will make them attracted to you. Now we have a predicament: the majority of men believe that if they struggle with shyness in interacting with women then this indicates that their worth as men is diminished. But the majority of men are not armed with the necessary skills to meet and attract women because they have a false set of beliefs of how to really attract women. That’s why guys show off to women by showing them how much money they have because that’s what they believe women are focused on. And because we never questioned our beliefs, we embrace these limiting belief about attracting women and since most men never make it to the point where they can show off what they do have in terms of positive personal characteristics, it causes men to lose confidence because “they don’t measure up”. The reason why most guys never escape this reality is because, ever since we were children, we were punished whenever we questioned things or challenged common assumptions. Staying quite and docile was rewarded. On a mass scale, we’ve been wrong about a lot of things in the past — racism, opinions, religion — so could we all be wrong about what it really takes to attract women? By simply questioning your beliefs, and researching other people who were able to get what you want out of life, you’ll be able to handle the social pressure to ‘stop what you’re doing and come back to reality.’ Why do I have to limit myself to just meeting women through a friend or my social circle? Why do I have to hide the fact that I enjoy going about my day and approaching women I’m attracted to? Why do I feel the need to hide my screen whenever I’m on an online dating site in public? These are the questions you’ll begin asking yourself when you begin to dictate your own reality and let go of hand-me-down limiting beliefs. Some people will like the new you, others won’t. But who cares really? You’re free, my man!

3. “It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you…”

The best advice I’ve ever gotten about meeting women was, “don’t game her, game yourself”. In other words, don’t do things to get a reaction out of her; do things to get a reaction from yourself. Don’t measure success on the outcome, whether or not you acquired her phone number, because the majority of the time you won’t. Take back control of your life and measure success on something you actually can control: your emotional reaction. If you’re asking yourself these questions before approaching a women, you’re focusing on gaming her: “hmm, how can I approach that chick?” “what can I say that will make her laugh?” But if you’re focusing on gaming yourself, you’re going to be asking yourself the following questions: “Hmmm, how can I approach that girl and have fun while I’m at it?” “What can I do or say that’ll make myself laugh?” If you say a joke, the intention behind telling her the joke is not solely meant to make her laugh, but to make yourself laugh. You’re focusing on pumping up your own state rather than focusing on making her laugh because ‘that’s what girls do when they like a guy’. People are drawn to fun whenever they know that their participation isn’t needed. Being at a bad party is bad enough, but being the only one who came is even worse because leaving will break the host’s little heart. It may sound silly, but as soon I began focusing on making myself laugh, I noticed women became more attracted to me. They gave me the look of “I don’t know what to think of this guy, but this dude’s fun”; they were offering to give me their numbers and looking forward to interacting with me again.

“Do not speak, unless it improves silence” -The Buddha

Do not resist the natural silence that occurs whenever you interact with women. There are times when both parties have nothing to say, and it feels awkward. Guys naturally attempt to break the awkward silence by saying something. That’s perfectly normal. But there are times when silence can be good, and learning to embrace the silence shows how confident you are as a person. In the past, whenever there was silence between me and a woman, my instinct was to break eye contact and think of something to say. She would also go into her head and begin to think logically (not good for creating attraction) of what to say next. What I wish I knew back then was that that if I just learned to relax into the pressure of trying to fix the silence and maintain eye contact; the woman would follow my lead and relax as well. When two people are able to feel comfortable in silence, it’s always a sign that they have some sort of connection. If there’s an awkward silence and she looks around because she feels awkward, just tell her to look at you and then smile. I prefer to get her attention with a “Hey!”, tell her to hold my hand and hold eye contact. This is what I genuinely do because I’m naturally a very touchy and caring person. For example, this is what I would do if a loved one was going through a tough time.

Let her talk more and speak less

Another interpretation of this quote is to speak less and let her speak as much as she wants. Most guys speak more in order to show how cool they are. Don’t do that. Leave some mystery on the side. What I try to do is limit the amount of “cool” things (even though it isn’t much) that I’ll say about myself and get her to talk more. There are four reasons why you should talk less: Don’t be one of those guys and take it literal like, “So you mean don’t add to the conversation and don’t say anything about myself, right? Right?!” No, if she’s obviously interested in you, talk, man! Just learn to be curious, shut up and listen.


I could go on forever because there are COUNTLESS other lessons I’ve learned from Buddhism that helped me in meeting and attracting women. But just remember the following:

Perception is reality. Change your mind, change your life. Change how you see yourself in your mind’s eye first and then take action. Question everything! Just because we’ve been right about a few things in the past doesn’t mean we’re currently right about everything. Develop your own opinions and don’t be afraid to go against the grain. If you feel like doing something but some people in your life are not going to like it, ignore them! You only live once. Focus on gaming yourself and stop focusing on getting a reaction out of her Become comfortable with silence. It’s OK if there’s an awkward silence. Just observe the reaction inside of you, relax into it and practice being comfortable in silence. You can also use silence as a tool to create attraction by intentionally inputting some awkward silences during the interaction just to self amuse yourself. Silence is your friend, my friend.