For many people, success eludes them. It might seem like it doesn’t matter what they try, they just can’t stick to a workout or their body doesn’t respond. If you feel as though you’re on the verge of giving up, it might be time to reconsider your current workout plan. Often, there are a few small things going on that can completely prevent you from realizing success. If you can recognize these signs and then take steps to change them, you can get back on track and finally achieve your end goal. Here are three reasons you may be failing.

1. You Don’t Want To Succeed

While this may seem like nonsense, it applies to more cases than most people would ever guess. Take a moment and really think about what your life will be like when you achieve the goal you want. Does any part of that picture scare you? Are you worried about any changes that may occur? In some cases, there is something that is subconsciously going on in your mind that is preventing you from putting forth the effort to realize the success you should be seeing. For instance, if you’re in a relationship, you could be worried what your partner may think of your new body. While common sense would have you believe they’d love a new fitter and leaner you, in some relationships, this isn’t the case. If any part of your believes your partner may not support the new you, that could be what’s preventing you from sticking with your programs. Look deep and see if there is anything going on that you may need to address.

2. You’re Not Organized

Next, another reason you may not see the results that you want is simply because you aren’t organized. Being organized, when it comes to fat loss and sticking with a workout, is half the battle. Start planning out your workouts and scheduling them in just like you would a doctors appointment. Likewise, on Sunday evening, sit down and plan out your meals for the week ahead. This way there is no question as to what you should be eating. When you plan ahead, all you need to do is execute and wait for success.

3. You Don’t Enjoy Your Program

The next reason you could be failing to see the success you desire is because you simply don’t enjoy the program you’re doing. When was the last time you finished a workout and felt absolutely thrilled – like you were on top of the world? Do you get excited about the meals that you have planned to eat during the day? If the answer to these questions isn’t 100 percent positive, then changes need to be made. If you don’t enjoy your approach you will never stick with it and even if you do manage to do the things you should, chances are good that you will not be giving a full effort, thus not seeing optimal results. Start looking for a plan that you do look forward to. Fitness comes in many sizes, so don’t ever think you have to do something you hate. Take a hard look at your approach. Do you see yourself in any of these? Do you see where you might be able to make a few changes so that you can experience progress better then before? Remember, if you stick with the same thing you’ve been doing, you will get the same results. Aren’t you ready for a change? Featured photo credit: CrossfitPaleoDietFitnessClasses via