Don’t feel bad because you think this way. Changing your familiar routine is a difficult thing to do. When you can accomplish it, though, the benefits will be huge. Get ready, because after you read these 7 exciting things, you’ll be brave enough to venture outside your ordinary, every-day routine. Why? Because amazing things happen just outside your comfort zone.

First, though, just what or where is that comfort zone?

Each person’s comfort zone is the area of their life where they can function with a minimum of stress and a maximum of security. Anxiety levels are low and contentment levels are high. Here, we know what to expect.

You feel comfortable in this environment. However, to increase your performance levels and try new experiences, you’ll need to introduce a dose of controlled anxiety and stress into your life. Situations where stress levels rise somewhat, are found just outside the comfort zone. This is where you’ll reach your highest potential and live a life of purpose. Your aim should be to stay in the green zone above. If you place yourself under excessive pressure, performance will suffer. Creativity will be stifled. There’ll be times, of course, when you’ll want a break from challenging yourself. Simply retreat to where you’re most comfortable.

Why is it good for you to try new stuff?

The benefits are huge. Following are just 7 of those exciting benefits.

1. You’ll grow and blossom.

Maybe you are in a job you enjoy very much. It’s handy to home, hours are flexible and workmates congenial. You’re offered a new position that will extend you and stretch your creativity. But . . . traveling time will increase; remuneration might not be much greater. It’s a dilemma you probably wish you didn’t have to face. It’s your choice. Stay in familiar surroundings where you feel comfortable. Or move towards the unknown. You find it hard to dash aside the emotional attachment you feel to your current situation. Then you remember Brian Tracy’s words about the necessity to feel awkward and uncomfortable. You take the plunge. It’s scary, but you really want to accomplish some awesome things in your lifetime. So you brace yourself to expect the unexpected. Will you regret the decision? Unlikely. You know where you’ll grow and blossom, don’t you? Just outside the comfort zone.

2. You’ll release the creativity within you.

Now that you’ve accepted the challenge of the new job, the trip to far-off lands, the University course you’ve just started – or whatever – you’re acquiring a different set of learning skills. New ideas and experiences abound. You’ll find yourself approaching these new experiences with renewed energy  –  an energy that releases the creativity within you in a way you never imagined possible. Being creative will fill you with an enormous sense of satisfaction. You’ll be exposing gifts and abilities that until now were hidden from view. Are you ready to discover what you’re really capable of? So where do you find this energy and release of creativity? Just outside the comfort zone.

3. You’ll find the going easier every time you extend yourself.

Sharma’s words remind me of what I’m doing in my intervals exercise program just now. I’ve found a challenging set of 100 steps that wind up a steep cliff face. I keep climbing until I run out of breath. On my first attempt, I found myself gasping for air at the 50th step. Each week I add another 5 steps. I can feel my comfort zone making adjustments. You, too will find that your anxiety levels lessen every time you repeat the stepping out process. Go on. Give it a go. Ease yourself outside your comfort zone. The more you try small things, the more you’ll want to continue to challenge yourself. Success is motivational. A very exciting consequence of extending yourself is that your comfort zone adjusts with every success. As Sharma states, the unknown becomes your new normal. How far should you extend yourself? Just outside the comfort zone.

4. You’ll be in control – not fear and uncertainty.

Being outside the comfort zone enables you to actually acknowledge, then manage, your negative feelings. If starting the business of your dreams, writing a novel or meeting new people is a recurring dream – well, yes, that can be quite scary and uncertain. But if you break your dream into manageable steps, you’ll be in control. You’ll be working towards your dream at your own manageable pace – little by little. Because you’re in control, you’ll be doing things you never thought possible. Now you’re free to work and live on your own terms. Where do you truly believe in yourself and start to take responsibility for your life? Just outside the comfort zone.

5. You’ll boost your self-confidence, resilience and emotional strength.

Living inside your comfort zone strips you of your confidence, because you’re not growing and evolving. You’re simply coping with life as it happens. Choose your first small goal to start things in motion and grow. As soon as you experience how competent and powerful you are, your self-confidence will grow. You’ll be inspired to work toward other goals. As you strive, fail, and strive some more, a resilient and emotionally strong you will emerge. You’ll feel amazing. Where does all this happen? Yes, of course – just outside your comfort zone.

6. You’ll replace regrets with satisfaction and accomplishment.

Regrets only appear when you ask yourself, “What if I fail?” This question is always followed by inaction, then later, regrets. Have you heard stories of people who, on their death bed, talk about the regrets they have because they didn’t do particular things? They were too scared to have a go. All of a sudden it’s too late. Go on. Take action now. Dare to have a go time and time again. Then you’ll look back on your life with satisfaction instead of with regrets, and with excitement about what you’ve accomplished. So never ask that “What if  . . .? ” question. Instead just do it and see what happens. Where do you toss regrets into the rubbish heap? Just outside your comfort zone.

7. You’ll experience a fuller life.

Similar to athletes stretching and preparing for competitive events, just outside your comfort zone is where you can perform at your best. It’s a place where being motivated spurs you to success – a place where you’ll experience a fuller life. So, step outside and unlock your full potential. You haven’t yet discovered just what you are capable of. Experiment, participate, pursue, problem solve, question yourself, improve your skills and develop new ones. When you feel confident, happy and optimistic, you will be more willing to live a fuller, more adventurous life. The result? Things you previously thought were unachievable, will become a reality. Now that you’ve blossomed, grown in confidence, released your creativity and managed your fears, you’ll experience a fuller life. You are in control of the kind of life you want to live. When you experience this fuller life, instead of just surviving, you’ll find yourself thriving.

So where do you start?

A great thing to do first of all is to focus on quotations that will give you the excitement and motivation you need to get started. Suitable quotes have been included in this post. You’ll reap the greatest benefits when you write several on sticky notes and place them in prominent places where you’ll read and digest them often. Then . . . take Jonathan Farrington’s advice, decide exactly what you want to do, then just do it. Now is your time to exit from the comfort zone. Featured photo credit: Pixabay via

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