Payday loans company Wizzcash looks at the topic of buying organic food cheaply in this useful infographic. One top tip of theirs is to head down to your local farmers’ market to pick up organic wares – you might find the produce cheaper than the supermarket. “You don’t need a garden and it takes only a little effort to grow a few pots of your favourite herbs and vegetables and it’s so rewarding,” says eco-chef Tom Hunt. “Start with herbs as they can be so expensive to buy and they take up little room. Try up-cycling your empty egg boxes into planters for seedlings and using old bean cans for plant pots.” “As a rule, store brands are cheaper than brand-name foods,” says Amy Livingston for Money Crashers. “This is particularly true for organic foods. In fact, in some cases, buying an organic store brand can be cheaper than buying a conventional, name-brand equivalent.”