Hopefully, with this list of things that describe a good relationship, we can further understand what we need to do to make our next one last.

1. Both sides are supportive.

Each partner encourages the other to follow his/her dreams. They allow each other to make mistakes and learn from them. It’s okay to be wrong, and each member of the relationship understands and accepts that.

2. Both sides are honest and realistic.

Both people in the relationship tell the truth. They don’t let their feelings build up until they explode, and they share the way they feel about certain situations. While supporting each other’s aspirations, they urge their partner to keep their feet on the ground. They are there to comfort each other when things don’t work out, and they refrain from saying: “I told you so.” Instead, they say: “I’m glad you tried.”

3. Both sides communicate well.

Both parties are on the same page when it comes to their relationship, their future, and their feelings. “Feelings” can be a silly word and sometimes a silly concept, so each person needs the ability to think logically, even when he or she is overrun with emotion.

4. Both sides are understanding.

Each member of the relationship accepts the other for who he/she is. They realize that people make mistakes and that nobody is perfect. They possess great empathy and are able to see situations from different perspectives. Each person maintains an open mind when it comes to the relationship.

5. Both sides are independent and confident.

Though they love each other and want to be together, they don’t need to spend every waking moment with their partner. They understand that they must do certain things on their own, and they are confident that they don’t need the other person for everything.

6. Both sides are passionate.

Each member of the relationship has a fire inside of them, both for his/her partner and for interests that reach further than the boundaries of the relationship. It is important that both parties care about things outside of their significant other. Both people must have some type of hobbies or goals to strive for, some of which should have nothing to do with their partners.

7. Both sides are patient.

Each individual is patient with his/her partner and is patient with him/herself. As I already mentioned, people make mistakes. In a good relationship, partners allow each other to learn from these mistakes. They realize that falling in love is a process and that people are always learning new things about themselves.

8. Both sides feel comfortable.

Each partner is content with the other and open with his/her feelings, fears, and dreams. They understand that being content never hurt anybody. Each person feels safe and protected when with his/her partner, but both members of the relationship are prepared to be pushed once in awhile.

9. Both sides are motivated.

The downfall of a relationship is often complacency. There is nothing wrong with being content, but once a person is content enough to abandon his/her dreams, then the couple needs to make a change. I have already explained how being supportive is important, but a person needs to be motivated to succeed as well. Otherwise, what is there to be supportive about?