Why JavaScript?

JavaScript is relatively simply to begin as compared to other languages like C/C++, Java and Ruby. It doesn’t require any specific setup like installing IDE, VM or hardware configuration  – just a plain text editor and your web browser is enough. JavaScript is an open and cross-platform language with wider developer ecosystem and support. With emerging technologies like Node.js & MongoDB and popular frameworks like AngularJS & Backbone.js, JavaScript has a bright future. Even if you don’t have any intention to become a professional programmer, you should try out JavaScript.

Here is the list of best free online resources to start learning and mastering the JavaScript:

Mozilla’s JavaScript Guide: definitive and standard reference. JavaScript track on Codecademy: Interactive tutorials for beginners. JavaScript for Cats by Max Ogden Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke Wikibooks’ JavaScript book JavaScript Lectures by Douglas Crockford Best Free Resources To Learn JavaScript - 14