Home environment is not always conducive to work and requires organizing not only your time but also your workspace in a way that a balance is struck between the two. You naturally want to do justice to both your family and work. It is not all that difficult to manage your work and family / children when you are working from home. If you get down thinking about it, the only difference is that instead of getting up in the morning to dress and leave for office you are working at home. It is this variation in situation that you have to manage first. Having a separate room that you can call your office is an advantage but if you do not have a spare room, you can designate any area within a room or kitchen that can serve the purpose. This will go a long way to indicate to the family and kids that when you are sitting there; you are working and are not be disturbed. In the event that you have a spare room from where you work from, ensure that it gives an appearance of an office and that everything you need is nearby. Going out of your home office to fetch things in the family rooms can distract you from your assigned work. If the room you call your office is doubling up as something else too then it will be a good idea to place your files and folders in a manner that they are easily accessible. Having managed your work place you then have to attend to your time schedule. As you are working from home you can expect to be disturbed by social and familial duties during your working hours and the other way round. Time management while working from home is as important as your having an earmarked office space. It requires scheduling your hours of work in a manner that you can attend to your work without being disturbed. Just because your working hours are not rigid when you are working from home they need not be so flexible that you loose the distinction between work and home life. It feels nice to have a break and spend time with family and kids but that can harm your work. The best way out is to have fixed office hours even if you are at home. The art of the game is to make the flexible working hours to work to your advantage rather than letting them hamper your work. You can achieve this by scheduling your work well in advance. You have chosen to be your own master by working from home. It is just a change in the environment and not in the circumstances. There are certain things that come naturally when you are working in an office away from home. It is simply a matter of bringing the office discipline home. You have to adhere to that discipline during hours that you have earmarked for work. Some of those disciplines can be made to apply to your work at home situation by:

Conveying your office hours to family members, friends and relatives. Switching on the answering machine during office hours. Resisting temptations of working late simply because you are working from home. Understanding the fact that just because you are working from home, you do not have to be always available for work.

In the end, no matter how organized and disciplined you are, the very nature of working at home is that you are bound to get distracted. You have to make this to work to your advantage. If you are distracted, instead of getting agitated, take a break and consolidate your thoughts. This in a way can help you to come back to your work with renewed vigor. Being self-employed is a tough job. Working from home is even tougher. But this does not necessitate that you put your family life at stake. The art of balancing your work and family life, even when working from home, is a simple task and easily learned if you are inclined to.