1. Who can I help today?

By default, we can often be fairly selfish human beings. We often look at situations when it comes to helping people and think, “What’s in it for me?” or, “I scratch your back, you scratch mine.” Truthfully, that is an extremely unhealthy way to look at the world, and it breeds selfish and unhappy people. When you are constantly seeking a reward for a simple act of kindness, you’re ruining yourself spiritually. Today we sadly live a dog eat dog world. If you want someone to help you move up the ladder you have to do something for them as well. There is something so satisfying about helping someone else out and making them feel good; it’s like a natural high. By waking up every day you should ask yourself how you can help another person. It could be as simple as helping someone carry groceries when their hands are full, or helping a friend through a difficult time. It costs nothing to be a good person and the world could always use more genuine and selfless people.

2. How can I become a better me today?

Sometimes I think that we rush to complete large tasks and/or goals because by nature we crave instant gratification. Or there is a lot of pressure on us to get these large tasks done quickly which can lead to mountains and mountains of stress. This can cause us to want to sleep in and press the snooze several times because we just want to procrastinate and “forget” about all that needs to be done for just a little while longer. I believe that sometimes we set very big goals for ourselves. Although the big goal is very important, setting smaller, more attainable goals until you reach your end goal is just as, if not more important. Smaller goals allow you to keep your focus while working towards the bigger picture. I strongly suggest celebrating your smaller goals, not just the big ones.

3. How can I create value for my job or my life today?

Creating value is something that increases the chances that another person will achieve what they want to achieve. If you take away your job title, the amount of money you make and the size of your organization, you have one extremely important job. That job is to add value to your both your job and your life. Every day you have to ask yourself what you can do to create value for others while delivering it as well. You have to have a serious and committed drive to create and deliver value each and every day. What your role is where you work does not matter. What does matter is that that you are able to step back from your work activities and ask yourself what you can do that would be of greater value for those that you work with. By creating this new mindset, you’ll be more likely to start the day on the right foot and find life more enjoyable in general.