In order to reverse the effects that are causing damage to your lungs, take some time from your daily schedule to detox your lungs. Here are six ways you can give your lungs a new breath of life.

1. Increase antioxidants

We know that anything with antioxidants is good for our bodies, but what are they really? Free radicals are atoms that destroy our healthy cells. Pollution, smoking and unhealthy food contribute to an increase of free radicals in our bodies. Antioxidants, however, help to neutralize these free radicals. A lack of antioxidants can cause a free radical domino effect whereby free radicals change other molecules into free radicals. This is when cancer can occur. By consuming foods high in antioxidants daily, such as fresh vegetables and green tea, you can reduce free radicals in your body.

2. Healthy diet

Needless to say, we must also adhere to a well-balanced diet with fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy beverages. As mentioned above, our body is exposed to free radicals every day from environmental toxins, smoking (including second-hand smoke), and household chemicals. Fatty foods and oils which are cooked at high temperatures can become oxidized and, as a result, turn into nasty free radicals.

3. Hot showers

A hot shower works wonders in helping to clear out the toxins from our bodies, including our lungs. When taking a hot shower, you are increasing the secretion of sweat, which brings out the toxins with it. Taking a hot shower 20 minutes a day is a great way to detox your lungs.

4. Licorice

Licorice is a well-known herb for its many benefits. One of the benefits is its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidizing properties. Licorice can help treat mild infections of the lung and can also reduce inflammation of your bronchial tubes. To prepare, mix licorice roots in hot water or you can use licorice powder. Drink two cups every other day.

5. Peppermint

Peppermint is another herb that can help soothe and relax the muscles of your respiratory tract. By relaxing those muscles, not only will it help clear any symptoms of respiratory congestion, it could also help you breathe easier. A 2010 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed that the anti-congestive properties of peppermint helped to relax the trachea, which is also know as the windpipe, in rats. To prepare, mix 3-5 peppermint leaves in hot water or you can mix with a few drops of peppermint oil. Drink up to two cups a day. For stronger lungs, chew 3 to 5 peppermint leaves each day.

6. Deep breathing

Lastly, a simple practice of deep breathing can do a great deal for your lungs. Deep breathing can help to increase the capacity of your lungs as to how much intake of oxygen can be achieved. It can also help strengthen the lungs and clear your airways. By breathing deeply each day, you can also increase your energy and lessen your stress levels. To do this efficiently, follow these steps: These simple methods show us that we can detox our hardworking lungs in a hassle-free way. Neglecting your lungs can cause many problems such as inflammation, bronchitis and can even cause lethargy, so try these methods out today and feel the difference!