20 Facts About Happiness That Will Surely Impress You

Of course, you’ll be happy when that email you received from Google tells you to pack your bags for Silicon Valley—because you got the job you wanted—or when that gorgeous guy or girl sitting across from you at the bar asks for your number. Surely those are smile-producing events, but after you move to Cali or go out on a few dates with Mr. or Miss Perfect, the smiles fade and you’re left alone with an “okay, now what?...

January 28, 2023 · 8 min · 1701 words · Lionel Miller

20 Fashion Laws That All Men Should Follow

Rule #1. Don’t clip your phone or gadgets on your belt. Batman wears a utility belt. He also wears his underpants outside of his tights. Rule #2. Avoid wearing square toed shoes. Unless you’re after that Legoman look. Rule #3. Get a navy blue suit It’ll make you look slimmer. Rule #4. Get tailored suits and shirts. Not only makes you look smarter, it doesn’t make you look like someone who’s been on a crash diet and hasn’t had time to update their wardrobe....

January 28, 2023 · 2 min · 347 words · Jane Yard

20 Quick Os X Tips For Beginners

What are your favorite and useful shortcuts in Mac? 20 Useful OS X Tips – [Apple Matters]

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 17 words · William Garmon

2013 Mac Bundle Featuring Parallel Only 49 99

As a bonus, the first 10,000 people to download the Mac bundle will also get a digital photography course for beginners, a $149 value, for free. While we post new, great deals all the time, there is less than a day left on this great sale, so act quickly if you want to get your hands on a 2013 Mac bundle for 90% off -plus a bonus digital photography course....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 95 words · David Clarkson

25 Tips For Workplace Happiness

It’s a good varied list that focuses on where you put your time and what kind of mindset you allow yourself to be in. What have you done today to improve your work life? 25 Tips to Become More Productive and Happy at Work – [LifeLearningToday]

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 46 words · Margie Barden

30Sec Tip We Make A Life By What We Give

Click on the image to download a wallpaper sized 30 Second Tip! We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. There are lots of reasons for a person to want to do this. Maybe you’re moving across the country (or to a different country), and you need to pack light. Perhaps you’re trying to reduce your carbon footprint. Maybe you just watched a marathon of “Hoarders” and you’re feeling like it’s time to clean house....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 134 words · Ronald Brewer

30Sec Tip Work In 60 90 Minute Chunks

Work in 60 – 90 minute chunks. Turn off all distractions and focus. Then take a break, go for a walk, eat and relax. You know you’re in a rut when you run out of ideas and inspiration. I personally see a rut as a productivity vacuum. It might very well be a reason why you aren’t getting results. Even as you spend more time on your work, you can’t seem to get anything constructive done....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 179 words · Elaine Baker

32 Quotes That Helped Me Become An Awesome Entrepreneur

Growing a business often entails a series of small actions, such as growing your social media communities or cold calling. However, it’s meaningless without a vision behind it and the directions to accomplish it. You must simultaneously consider the pieces and the whole, like a jigsaw. This is how you become an awesome entrepreneur. Having been an entrepreneur for years (and currently on my third startup), I’ve built up a collection of strong quotes that keep me inspired and keep me on track....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 128 words · Marylyn Eddington

4 Decluttering Techniques

The first method described attempts to force decision making in a very simple way: What I like about having these ‘clutter destinations’ is that you can keep them in your work area and use as immediate inboxes. Instead of just the one IN box, you have the three [plus trash] where you place items that come in. This is very similar to GTD’s system where you take items from your inbox and put them into reference, projects or someday/maybe items....

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 134 words · Alda Deloy

5 Productivity Lessons From The Millennial Work Style

Read on for a handful of productivity-centric lessons inspired by the unconventional work style my millennial peers and I have adopted. 1. Embrace experimentation Millennials are notorious early adopters, eager to explore new tools or experiment with different ways of performing standard tasks. Many of us spent our grade-school years blogging, instant messaging, texting and playing video games to express ourselves and blow off steam; as young adults, we proactively seek out software, apps and daily practices that facilitate our “work hard, play harder” mentality....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 690 words · Ralph Hund

5 Reasons To Stop Planning And Live Better

Does it mean we shouldn’t plan anything? No, but we can learn to become more flexible. Here’s a few ways to start thinking a little differently about planning and ease your control freak tendencies. 1. Notice your patterns Chances are you didn’t become a control freak overnight. Your need to plan is directly connected to your need for security and adequacy. While planning may give you a feeling of being in control of life and the people around you, it’s an illusion....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 757 words · Molly Clark

5 Simple Steps To Help You Learn Love

Everybody tries to explain what love is. Everybody has an opinion. But how to reach it, how to feel it in every step you make so you can tell others what love is? So you can become the love. Anything that surrounds you is filled with love. Anybody, any situation or simple thing, when you stop looking with your eyes trying to put everything in your mind, you can set yourself free by seeing and believing – THERE IS LOVE....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 679 words · Otis Cunningham

5 Ways To Become A Better Reader

Take it slow. Many readers feel that they read too slowly, especially compared with others, but the truth is that the faster you read, the less likely you are to comprehend fully what you’re reading. The best readers are flexible—slowing down when needed, especially if weighty concepts or unknown words are grouped closely together—and always have a dictionary at hand. If you get to the end of a paragraph and realize you haven’t absorbed any of the information, do not hesitate to re-read the passage....

January 28, 2023 · 3 min · 495 words · Marian Jones

50 Crazy Facts About Hair

The facts are quite fascinating too. For example, while only 1% of the world’s population has red hair, 13% of Scottish people are natural redheads and the US has the largest total population of gingers. Of course, it’s hard to tell if someone really is a redhead or not these days when 75% of all women dye their hair. 50 Insane Facts About Hair | Hair Loss Geeks

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 68 words · Susan Wood

50 Facts About Chinese New Year

The beginning of Chinese New Year 2014 fell on January 31 and was celebrated across the world, but there is much more to this holiday than simply celebrating the beginning of a new year. Here are 50 incredible facts about Chinese New Year that you may not have known! The Festival The first day of Chinese New Year – or Spring Festival, as it’s also knows – falls between January 31st and February 21st, and lasts for fifteen days each of which plays an important role....

January 28, 2023 · 2 min · 322 words · Micheal Parker

6 Important Reminders To Help Reduce Pain

As an avid drug experimenter, I’ve known more than my fair share of addicts. I’ve known a lot of good people who went too far in their search to reduce pain and overdosed. Whether physical or mental, pain is very real, and it’s only by confronting it that we’ll ever find relief. 1. “This is only temporary…” Everything in life is temporary, even life itself. Think of all the things you survived to get here—babies cry for a reason....

January 28, 2023 · 3 min · 622 words · Robby Hill

6 Money Lessons Learned From Dating

Alan Haft has six lessons for investing based on the dating game like why you don’t give it up on the first date and choosing financial advisers. 6 Things Dating Teaches Us About Money – [AlanHaft]

January 28, 2023 · 1 min · 36 words · Kermit Leonard

7 Effective Ways To De Junk Your Life

If you purge your life of random belongings, bad habits, and unsatisfying relationships you’ll be left with something scary: time and space. What you do with all the extra time and space in your life after putting these tips into action is something we can discuss in the comments. Better yet, I’ll grab a bunch of readers and we’ll swing by your house to help you clean out this evening....

January 28, 2023 · 5 min · 937 words · Latrice Salazar

7 Lessons Your Kids Should Learn About Money

1. Money Is Earned In today’s dreadful economy, raising your children to expect things to be handed to them with no effort would put them at a serious disadvantage in the workforce. I’m not saying you should pay them to do household chores that they should already be doing for no financial reward (because who doesn’t want to live in a clean home free from clutter?), but do encourage them to open a lemonade stand, help you prepare for a yard-sale, and mow neighbor’s yards when they are old enough....

January 28, 2023 · 3 min · 569 words · Anne Whitworth

7 Mistakes People Make When Trying To Build A Home Based Business

I know, because I’ve been there and done that. I banged my head against the wall for several years. Eventually things did click, and I am now making a living doing what I love, but it wasn’t easy. That’s why I want to share some of the most common mistakes with you, so you don’t have to make them. So let’s jump right in. 1. Where’s the Problem? Even if you find your passion, you still have to provide value....

January 28, 2023 · 4 min · 843 words · Jesse Watts